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Rant: Oakland Senior High School Confessions is Pathetic

By April 5, 2013October 13th, 2013Rant

In my opinion, whoever came up with this facebook page along with the other Oakland High School confessions lately must be really incompetent to understand the implications it causes to the Oakland High community. I shall refer him as P. (If you’re gonna debate whether it’s a he or she, you have to be an idiot to think a female would be such a misogynist or treating women like they’re shit.)

For one thing, this is a pretty shitty copycat of all the other confessions popping up over the internet. Even debating about the legality of using anonymity over the internet shows how immature P is on this subject matter. Any smart person who would attempt to start a confession page would not be dissing their patrons and flaming those they dislike. By pushing negative comments on your page, you’re effectively turning away the potential viewers that would make it popular.  The best example of P’s disrespect is here:

In all other popular confessions pages, the administrators of those pages are at least intelligent enough to filter negative confessions that would turn away their subscribers. The “confessions” on P’s facebook page are pretty negative and also pretty terrible in terms of intelligence. It’s become more of a flame war between those who hate this page and P himself (or his supporters). At least filtering negative “confessions” especially those who people’s names would make it more of a “serious business”. There’s no confession business here but making fun of people’s misery and bashing on others.

Now for the implications, this page brings down the morale of students and teachers currently attending Oakland High. Everyone’s paying attention to the cyber bullying factor in this where this leads to an inevitable cycle of hatred and rumors spreading around and I agree that it could lead to someone committing suicide. The worst cause scenario actually is someone committing homicide because they believe this or that person wrote it. Since violence is a common occurrence, I wouldn’t be shocked if someone was actually physically harmed from all the drama. And if that happened, P can expect to be found out one way or another. Anonymity won’t help if you’re checking the page on your own Facebook which is logged by Facebook. It might take a long time for it to happen, but most of anonymity on the internet is gonna be dead within the next decade when the government has backdoors to every network platform online. So by then you can stick it to the government and stay on Tor but it won’t help you if you keep going on Facebook. Now backtracking to the morale of Oakland High, it’s gonna be shitty everyday having this page make fun of others behind their backs and everyone’s not going to be as trusting and pay attention to every single action they take.

Now if this ever gets big and the media public sees this, Oakland High School is going to be viewed as a terrible place to send their students to attend. Not only that, it shows makes a impression that Oakland High students are this pathetic. Alumni would also become ashamed to have an association with Oakland High. Who would want to associate with someone from a school that has a childish mentality? It is essentially an embarrassment to everyone that has ever been to Oakland High.

Lastly, if Oakland Senior High School Confessions is going to be acting like a troll page, the best thing to do is ignore it and not give P the attention he wants. In all seriousness, all P really wants is to dig up dirt and make LOLs out of them because P is too pathetic to admit them himself. He might think of himself as a protector of freedom of speech, but all he wants to is instigate problems and rile up people. In five to ten years, he’ll either think of this mess as something he was stupid for doing or become more narcissistic and believe that everyone is beneath him.Whatever choice P makes doesn’t matter but what matters is for you to ignore P.

**This rant probably has some missing comments and opinions that I cannot remember yet but will include as I go on.
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